Currently Browsing: Haredi
Bochrim decry ‘anticlimactic’ Daf Yomi ending
After seven seasons of Daf Yomi, streamed all over the web, thousands of avid followers of the series have been left disappointed with the ending of the Talmud. Daily Jews visited the Siyum Hashas fan convention in New York last week and spoke to fans about their experiences. Noson ben Noson from Delaware has been […]
Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker spoiler-free review for frummers
by Rav Shmuly Yankleberg Firstly, I have to say it’s totally asur min hashomoyim to watch this film. Having said that, I had to watch it to make sure the kehilla is properly warned about the danger to Klal Yisrael in it. I went to the cinema, but I was worried about maris eyin, so […]
Gerrer Rebbe: “Halloween is Jewish”
A top Chassidic Rebbe has declared Halloween a Jewish festival after discovering a Sefer (document) describing how Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses) would dress up as a Witch and scare local children when B’nai Yisrael (the children of Israel) was wandering the desert. The newly discovered tome shows how the younger children of Israel would ask for […]
JW3 to check visitors halachic status
After having been attacked in a series of open letters from members of the Charedi community over hosting controversial events at JW3, the centre has announced a new initiative aimed at easing intra-communal tensions which would allow Charedim to use the centre. As well as introducing compulsory separate seating for men and women at the […]
Hamodia to employ AI to allow photos of women (transformed into men) to be published in their newspaper
(photo: Haredi women altered to look like men, dancing in Jerusalem). International Haredi newspaper, Hamodia, has started showing photographs of women for the first time, thanks to modern technology which makes them look like men. The newspaper which is widely read in the Haredi world told us they had listened to complaints of sexism levelled […]
Reform chief vows movement will become ‘frummer’ than Masorti
Citing intense competition for members over the past decade, Reform Judaism’s Senior Rabbi, Laura Janner-Klausner said her rabbinical assembly will soon be taking steps to lure more halachically observant members away from Masorti. The steps under discussion involve accepting the halachic authority of the Orthodox Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mervis. Whilst the philosophy of the movement […]
Shidduch Crisis is ‘fake news’ cries whistleblower
By Guest writer; Yossi Sephardiker A leading shadchan has released details of a secret campaign by shadchanim around the world to profit by making us worry needlessly (as if we didn’t have enough to worry about already). Rabbi Shnitzelburger, who until last week presided over the Global Network of Venerable Industrious Matchmakers (GNoVIM), speaking from […]
White Smoke Arises From Federation Headquarters: “Mir Hobn A Poypst”
Hamodia writer, Nosson Horo, brings us the latest from the Hareidi community Heimishe Yidden have begun a month of celebration of the appointment of the new Av Beis Din and Rov of the Federation, HaGaon R Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, Shlita To The Moon And Back. After weeks of feverish speculation as the Beis Din were […]