Review: Micky Mouse tackles addiction in new Disney+ show

Disney has launched its new streaming service in the USA, Canada and New Zealand with a strong back catalogue of TV and film and original shows such as the Star Wars series ‘The Mandelarion’.
Another new show is called ‘The Mouse’ and features a fat, middle-aged Mickey Mouse fighting a crack addiction.
The live-action show stars a CGI mouse voiced by Joker star Joaquin Pheonix. The show is set in 1970s Miami where a washed-up Mickey battles his demons of sex, drugs and fame.
The first episode starts with Mickey picking up a hooker in his car while his best friend Donald looks on in disgust at what he has become. His ex-wife Mini, has moved on and has three children with Tom Cruise and Mickey spends his time in the first episode wishing things had gone differently for them. He starts to become obsessed with Mini’s children wishing they were his.
Executive Producer Kikle Jewfish told the Daily Jews that Disney wanted to explore new facets of Mickey’s life. “We know he started life as a sailor, where is he now? What are his motivations? and where will he get his next hit from?”
The series has received high praise from critics for its realism, and it’s taking down of traditional Disney fairytales which have no place in Trump’s America.