Local council votes to live in fantasy world

Hackney Council yesterday voted to live in a world where Boris is not PM. and everything is just fine and dandy.
A statement from the council read: “Following several important town hall meetings; we decided as a council that the world is fucked. Some of the contributing factors to this being, the pending no-deal Brexit, the likelihood of climate armageddon and the state of global politics. To address this, we’ve decided to create our own fantasy world where everything is great”.
Herman Mazeltov, Labour leader of the council, told us “We live in a post-truth world anyway where politicians make everything up. We may as well pretend everything is how we’d like it.”
To make the fantasy more convincing, everyone in Hackney has agreed to accept the same shared fantasy.
David Hasselon, a resident of Hackney, told us. “I’m so pleased that Obama was elected world president and that all fossil fuels will be eliminated by 2022 around the world.
Sheila Shoreditch from Dalston was happy with the way West Ham had started their new season. She told us: “10 wins out of 10, it looks like we finally have a shot at winning the league.”
Ronald David, regular at the Games Workshop on Hackney High Road, was especially excited “I got laid four times last week” he told us. Hackney council confirmed to us that this was not part of the fantasy and that Ronald would not be getting laid any time soon in any alternate reality.