
App designed to avoid dating mishigas

A new Jewish dating app is launching, designed to avoid the social embarrassment of dating in the community.

“Jinder – Jewish dating without the tsuris” – will allow users to avoid matching with their friend’s ex’s, family and mashugana’s.

Founder of the new app, Yorum V’layla, told the Daily Jews he had personally experienced many awkward Jewish dating scenarios. “One time I matched with my sister on Tinder, we were dating for six months before we realised. We decided the app will import your list of relatives from facebook, so you don’t match with your parents, siblings or cousins (optional for Sefardim).”

“Another story that influenced the design of this app was when I dated this crazy woman for three months before I realised how mad she was. She goes to my friends Shul, and if he had warned me, my dog would not have had her head shaved without my consent. So now friends can label your matches shayne maideleh, mentch, yachna, plotz, meshugana and more”.

The search engine in the app allows you to filter out bald men under 5ft 6″, which in our testing removed 80% of matches between 35-50 years old.

Another feature asks you to explain how is it you’re still single. An algorithm will decide if you’re a nebbish or you’ve just had bad luck.

Mr V’layla told us the next version of the app would have even more features. “We’re going to run credit checks against our users, and they can add in their net worth. We’ve got all the important dating questions covered.”

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